Customer Review of Graduate CV/Resume Writing by Labib Zahin - James Innes Group

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Graduate CV/Resume Writing

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Labib Zahin
Reviewed on | Early Career CV/Resume |Verified Purchase

They will not tell you but if you don't respond to them in 14 days you will lose your order. A bot will generate and say your order is closed and you can't change anymore. Then if you mention that wasn't mentioned anywhere, then you can change your resume more than once or twice. People get busy, people have other things to do in life. No one should enforce those 14 days inactivity RULE without having client's permission. I have checked everywhere; they never mentioned the 14 days Rule anywhere. Their 1st draft was very bad, they had grammar mistakes, same sounding sentences everywhere. Yes the template is beautiful but thats it. Dont expect any professional writing from them. If you're happy to pay for template, then you should consider. They are maybe good with general sectors but they are not good with specialized sectors such as cyber security. Sometimes they don't follow their own template like they missed interest or dates which I had to tell them. If you want perfection, they will charge you more for edits and will tell you that their team is busy with current orders but not for you. I guess then you have to pay more so you can have THE TEAM when it is their team who gave you half-finished job. NOT WOTH 95 AUD AT ALL. Half loss money. Pathetic Investment.

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